School Life

At the heart of our motto and logo ‘Strive to Achieve’, is the aim to develop a joy of learning in all students.

We invest time and energy in improving student learning by providing a stimulating learning environment, by improving teacher quality through ongoing professional development, by making learning fun, and by encouraging parents to support the work of our school in the home.

To learn more about the details of the learning that happens behind the doors at St John’s Riverstone, follow the links on this page.




Your Child's Learning Journey

Our school is a place where curiosity, imagination and love of learning are treasured. We know schools should be places of wonder, exploration and endless possibilities.



Our learning and teaching programs are designed to provide students with experiences to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum.


Religious Education

We develop in our students a keen love for God, themselves, others and their world. We seek to support each student to discover a meaningful, hope-filled and flourishing life.


Diverse Opportunities

At St John’s we believe that students should be encouraged to express themselves outside the classroom, through participating in a wide range of extra-curricular activities.



Our School Library is a physical and digital place. They provide access to a range of resources that help kids on their Learning journey and help inspire purposeful learning.


Specialist Programs

Our learning support team work with classroom teachers, parents and specialist teachers where needed, to ensure each student has the support they need for success and growth in their learning.


Community Involvement

St John’s Primary is actively engaged with the local community in a number of ways. Read more.


Parental Involvement

We encourage parents to become part of the leadership journey in partnership with our school.



The Parent Handbook below covers all of the information, procedures and policies that you and your child will need at St John's Catholic Primary Riverstone



At St John's Primary, we foster a strong sense of pride in our students. For this reason, we require all students to wear their full uniform.